Kambo Cleanse

The Amazonian Tree Frog

Acatè or Sapo it is called.

Kambo is a secretion from the Phyllomedusa Bi-color Tree Frog from the Amazon jungle. It is used by the tribe members to help them with hunting as it provides strength to them and intuition on where to find their prey. The tribe members are known to give kambo to their dogs and their children at times as a means to help the dogs hunt and to make the kids strong and free from illness. I trained in the jungles of Peru with the Matses tribe members and my teacher Deyan Gajanan with Kambo Naturista. We were outside of Iquitos, Peru where we stayed in screen huts for three weeks in strict dieta (a diet before kambo). It was the most transformative and difficult time of my life up until this point. We learned to self administer Kambo which is most challenging and we received fresh medicine from live frogs that we caught, which is strong medicine. One dot will do it! On a trip like this, you learn what you are made of. My shadowy parts definitely came on the trip and my love for myself too!

I am looking forward to supporting your healing journey.