About Me

Hello, my name is Amber Taylor and I reside and work on the stolen and unceded territories of the Lil’Wat Nation, of the Interior Salish peoples, in what is commonly known as Pemberton, BC on Turtle Island in North America. I am honored to live here among some BIG nature!

It has been a long journey to reach this place of “being of service” and I am grateful. My journey has not come without a lot of hard work, bravery, intuition and prayer. I left my homelands of the Deep South of the United States during the early pandemic in June of 2020. Currently, I live on a five-acre hobby farm growing herbs, tending to the land and raising animals, it is my dream realized. I am my own medicine. We are each our own medicine as well. Dreams start in the spiritual realm as thoughts, then prayers, then they become manifest in the physical realm, in real life.

I am working by donation or the dána model. This means that I take a small deposit for bookings to secure my time for your appointment and then I accept a donation for the session. You can pay what you can or are inclined to pay for our time together. I trust that I will always be taken care of in the right way. The Universe has always had my back and I believe she always will. This world is not necessarily built for “human thriving” in modern society but that does not mean that our planet isn’t. She is absolutely still alive and magical and very abundant if we are willing to witness her.

The mantra I live by and sometimes fail at is, “I am love and love is all there is.” This is what drives me forward in courage and evolution. I wasn’t raised around an abundance of unconditional love and so learning to love has become my life’s work. Especially truly loving and mothering myself.

  • Breathwork - My journey with my breath.

    I have been on a healing journey for at least a full decade and the modalities I am called to share now are the ones that most served me in my healing. I’m offering Breath work sessions and I am trained in Integral Breath Therapy or IBT, with Carol Lampman. I’ve been training with Carol for many years and she is now an elder to me. The breath is where I truly came back to myself and my body after decades of being removed from it from family and societal conditioning. The breath is a bridge between the heart and mind.

  • Kambo - My journey with the frog.

    Kambo is the PhyllImedusa Bi-Color Tree frog that live fn the Amazon. I found Kambo on my journey a few years back, in 2017, and it grabbed me right away as an important medicine for me. Kambo is a poison type of medicine that can induce a purgative effect on the body. I had been struggling with depression and addiction and kambo cleaned up those neural pathways. I walk closely with kambo now and love to share it with those who feel called.

  • Folk Herbalist - My journey with the plants.

    A folk herbalist is someone who is self taught or taught by the plants themselves. I have been walking with plants since a small girl. Since my childhood was traumatic and stressful and there were not cell phones, you could find me outside, usually down by this lake near my home. Tadpoles were my favorites back then. Now, I learn the plants around me and I grow those that introduce themselves to me and live nearby. I worked in health foods for around a decade and my love of herbs started there but has only grown over the years. I am somewhat of a folk herbalist, I’m self taught mostly by the plants themselves. If you are interested in starting your herbal journey, I can help get you started on that path with some personal recommendations.

  • 5MEO-DMT - My journey with the toad.

    Bufo Alvarius, a Colorado River Toad or Sonoran Desert Toad. The toad has a secretion it releases for protection that contains a substance known as 5-MeO-DMT, it is this substance in the secretion that causes the effects of the medicine. I like to work with psychedelics personally as a means to healing and growth. Bufo is the most powerful psychedelic on the planet. Psychedelics can guide us into a bigger imagination for our lives. Those neural grooves or beliefs that we received from our upbringing can be stretched wider so that we can become who we came here to be instead of who “they” wanted us to be. Some families have small thinking and we need to stay in our little boxes in order to stay safe in the family. 5meo can help to remove these restrictions and resistances we have to growth. 5meo can help you realize your worth, it’s called the “God Molecule” for a reason.

Are you ready to start your healing journey?